This team was an excellent team and played well together. They seemed to fit together. Without a real outstanding player they played excellent basketball and capped it with a trip to the state meet in Seattle. The last of the 16 team tourneys and we were sorry to see it end but happy to be there.
It was mainly an experienced team but a small one with average speed. The first five had one junior, John Tracy and the rest were seniors. Mike Holen was the overall-team leader and best rebounder, but no one could discount the efforts of the splendid needle Darrell Fry and muscular Jim Tienhaara. Greg Morrison was the hard luck kid with a collapsed lung but he came back strong and was the other starter at guard. Carter, Richardson, Campbell, Scheyer, Beach, Garrison and Dorman completed the squad and they were a fine group.
We lost four of our first five as usual and then we went to work with a vengeance. It never seemed to be the same guy who did the damage. One night it could be Holen and the next night it could be Tienhaara. Tracy was a fine passer and was ambidextrous which made him doubly effective. Fry was just Fry. He never seemed to play a bad game and worked his head off at playing the game. Pound for pound I’ll always consider him one of our better centers and a fine boy to coach. Beach never quit.
Richardson developed into a top sub and we looked for him to be a leader the next year. In the district he sustained a very serious arm injury that kept him out of the state meet and this seemed to hurt him more than the injury. We lost two straight at the big tourney but the kids fought hard. We simply did not have the height or beef to compete. As far as ability was concerned they acquitted themselves well. If I was to label this team I think that they would best be called surprising. We all felt that they would play well but we did not feel they would get as far as they did.
They closed as fast as any team we have had. They won their last seven games. In this string they dumped Mount Tahoma and P. A. in close contests and beat Bethel and P.A. in the District. These boys could be proud of themselves because they gave that little extra that turned what could have been an average season into a fine one.