
An interview with Les Eathorne – This is a 29 minute interview by Richard Torseth. Richard played during the 73 and 74 championship seasons.

His father, Robert “Bob” Torseth was a newpaper reporter for the Bremerton Sun during those years.

1973 State Championship Post Game Pep Rally – After the 1973 championship game everyone had to drive back to Bremerton from the University of Puget Sound Fieldhouse. It was only a two lane highway and the drive seemed like it took hours. I remember the bus moving very slow from Port Orchard, through downtown Bremerton, across the Warren Avenue bridge, which still had toll booths, and arriving at the East High gym around midnight.

The MC for the evening was the late Jim Stelson, long time wrestling coach and home game announcer for the Knights. Length 29 minutes 15 second.