This team was led by Bill Martin. He was a silent leader and did most of his leading by example. He was a fine outside shot. Nick Nichols was the center and although he played some excellent games he never seemed to quite reach the potential we hoped for and toward the end the human needle, Darrell Fry began to take over. Dan Coulter was another of those little guards who had the heart of a lion. Mike Holen came up from the J.V.’s to move in at forward and settle that position for the next two years. Mr. Muscles, Jim Tienhaara, was the other forward along with Tom Tarbox.
Bill Carter, Larry Beach, Marty Hotvet, Dave Garrison and Greg Morrison filled out the squad. Morrison was extremely quick and at times a fine performer for East, This team did not have a winning season but they could beat West, and they did, two out of three times. They lost to the best N.K. team I had ever seen in thirty years of being in this area and this cut them out of a State Tourney Berth. This team played many close games and were thrilling to watch. Holen had excellent timing on rebounding and Tienhaara was a fine left handed shooter from way out. Martin was always just one step away from being a fine player but as a boy you couldn’t beat him.The reserves were interesting people. Carter had the speed and determination of a tiger. He once played for two weeks with a broken bone in his foot. It hurt, but he wanted to play and the old coach let him ahead and play. He did with nary a complaint. Garrison as a fine shooter but slow of foot. He was a real student of the game and made up in brains what he lacked in natural ability. Beach was just Larry Beach. Perhaps the worst foul shooter it has ever been my pleasure to coach, and it was a pleasure to coach Beach. Larry was a real hustler and could be depended upon to do his best. Marty Hotvet was a runner. He put in more miles around the gym than anyone and by the time he graduated he was a pretty fair ball player. Again we may not have torn up the league but we had fun and the kids were great.