Yr | Last Name | First | Jersey# | Pos | Hgt | Wgt | Total Pts | Avg PPG |
65/66 | Albertson | Allen | 22/25 | G | 5’8 | 140 | 49 | 2.9 |
65/66 | Eathorne | John | 24/35 | G | 5’11 | 159 | 12 | 0.8 |
65/66 | Gundlefinger | Keith | 34/33 | G | 5’11 | 184 | 129 | 6.1 |
65/66 | Love | Larry | 50/51 | F | 6’4 | 195 | 217 | 10.3 |
65/66 | Miller | Butch | 32/31 | F | 6’1 | 155 | 88 | 4.4 |
65/66 | Miller | Morrie | 14/15 | G | 5’10 | 160 | 170 | 8.1 |
65/66 | Mount | Joe | 30/41 | G | 5’11 | 184 | 115 | 5.8 |
65/66 | Pharr | Cal | 42/53 | F | 6’2 | 184 | 275 | 13.1 |
65/66 | Sayers | Dave | 21-Dec | F | 6’0 | 155 | 37 | 1.9 |
65/66 | Stautz | Allan | 20/23 | C | 6’2 | 160 | 130 | 6.5 |
65/66 | Steinman | Eric | 40/43 | C | 6’3 | 198 | 140 | 7 |
65/66 | Kravitz | Allen | 14 | 1.3 |

We came off a pretty good year as the 1965 team had a record of 14 wins against 6 defeats. Not too bad, but not good enough to get into post season play. This year we started off well, only losing one game prior to the Christmas break. We won all of our league games except one to PA ending the season at 16-2. That enabled us to make it to the league playoffs. We won our first two games against Central and South, but then lost a very close game again to PA.
We returned five players (Allen Albertson, John Eathorne, Larry Love, Cal Pharr and Eric Steinman from the previous year. Allen Kravtiz came up from the JV for a few games. We added a couple of seniors (Butch Miller and Allan Stautz) and three juniors (Keith Gundlefinger, Morrie Miller and Dave Sayers) to round out the team. My thoughts on the players going into the season were as follows:
ALLEN ALBERTSON–Small but very determined guard and this more or less is the story of Allen’s life. Always counted out because he is small, he seems to always make a place for himself. Excellent outside shooter and a very smart ball player. If not a started he will be a top reserve.
JOHN EATHORNE — Eathorne has shown considerable improvement since last year. A good passer and a fine outside shot, John has the burden of being the coach’s son which is only out ranked by that of a policeman’s son or a minister’s. He will battle for a guard position. Eathorne has the moves but may be shy on speed.
KEITH GUNDLEFINGER — A real basketball prospect and outstanding on the JV team last year. A fine football and it will take him a couple weeks to convert to the hardwood and then he will be a real contender at guard. His best qualification as a starter is basketball sense. He can figure out the logical moves in a game situation!
LARRY LOVE — Larry is the tallest player that we have. Last year at the end of the season he came on to be a real prospect. A good outside shooter for a big man, he is tough on the boards and wants to learn the game. Should be a starter at forward and one of the bulwarks of the team. He was a starting tackle in football, a fine student and a school leader.
ALBERT (BUTCH) MILLER — Butch sat out last year because of a bad knee. He has been hampered since his Fresh year with a recurrent knee problem. He would have been a varsity performer last year. He is a fine shooter and although thing is tough off the boards and will not give ground. He could be a starter but will surely play a great deal.
MORRIE MILLER — Morrie is the quickest player we have. A halfback in football he brings the same enthusiasm on the court, He is not the best shot on the team but is excellent on the press and a determined defensive player. He has always played and is making room for himself this year.
JOE MOUNT– Mount played JV last year because the coaches asked him if he would. The JV team needed a leader and he was it. He could have lettered on the varsity but gained much needed experience on the JV team and is now ready to make his move on the varsity. A fine football player for the Knights, he is not big in height but is very determined and gives an inch to no one.
CAL PHARR — Cal is out after a terrific year in football. He is an excellent basketball prospect with built-in springs in his legs and excellent timing on the boards. Cal has been working hard on his shooting and should improve in that department this year. He will be a starter if he plays anywhere near his capabilities. He is an interesting player to watch.
DAVE SAYERS–Dave is not built to be a forward but this is where his talent lies. He is a fine jumper and has quick hands to steal the ball and rebound. He makes up for lack of bulk with good foot speed and determination. A defensive halfback and offensive end in football. He will also be a definite part of the basketball picture.
ALLAN STAUTZ–Allan comes from a family of basketball players. He is the last in line and is now ready to play. Stautz did not play last year and is a year behind in fundamentals but is learning fast and should be a good reserve. He is not strong but is a consistent rebounder and a good shot.
ERIC STEINMAN — Eric was a starter much of the time last season. He is an experienced player and very tough inside. The speed department is where he has his problems but is a good shooter and a fine rebounder. Barring a mental let down he should be a starter; he certainly has the experience and the tools necessary to play the game.
Our starting forwards of Pharr and Love were the team leading scorers. We used both Stautz and Steinman at center and used primarily three guards (Mount, Miller and Gundlefinger). The rest got plenty of playing time as our margin of victory was the highest since the championship team of 1958.